Snow War


Dec 16, 2021
Snow War:

Snow War is a groupal maze that opens every day at:

Monday: 8:00
Tuesday: 12:00
Wednesday: 16:00
Thursday: 8:00
Friday: 12:00
Saturday: 16:00
Sunday: 8:00

Snow War has the current Chaos Argent balance and map remains open for 30 minutes and fully closes after 45 minutes

Unlike Chaos Argent, players can party each other, recover and heal inside of Snow War!

Snow War portal opens at 2232,2854 in Argent City

Every 5 minutes :)0:05, 0:15, 0:25 ) a wave of the following chests will spawn around the map:

Holy Chest
(Only magic classes can deal damage on it)

Deity Chest
(Only dps classes can deal damage on it)

At minute 10, this boss will spawn in any of the cities around the map.

Player who defeats this boss will get the Crab Lord buff.

Forest Ghost can only receive magic damage, DPS classes will not deal any damage on it.

At minute 20, this boss will spawn in any of the cities around the map.

Player who defeats this boss will get the Crab Lord buff.

Crushor can only be attacked by DPS classes

Portal will close at minute :30 and at minute :35 one of the following will spawn randomly:

1. Snow Black Dragon:

2. Goddess of Snow:

3. Black Dragon monsters wave.

Stone of Shambala 0.5%
Ug of all types 7%
Power of Black Dragon 7%
Invocation Blueprint 10%
Rock Gem Fragment 10%

Winner reward is 10m gold which is split between the survivors!

Top 5# Weekly Class Ranking

At the end of the week, the top three in their respective classes received their rewards based on their ranking.
Top 1 = King chest

Top 2 = Queen chest

Top 3 = Jack chest

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